Priyanka Chopra, who has worked with Sanjay Dutt in films like "Agneepath" and lately in the "Zanjeer" remake, hopes the judiciary gives some respite to the actor keeping in mind his family.
The Supreme Court Thursday announced its verdict, and sentenced him to five years in prison in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case. He was asked to surrender within four weeks.
"Sanju sir is an important part of the industry. I have worked closely with him, so I am definitely feeling bad.
But I hope the judiciary gives him some respite considering his family," the 30-year-old said here
Thursday at the MTV Video Music Awards India 2013.
When asked about the fate of the "Zanjeer" remake, Priyanka said: "I don't know what will happen to the film but the shooting is almost complete."
Being directed by Apoorva Lakhia, the "Zanjeer" remake features Sanjay in the role of Sher Khan, played by Pran in the original 1973 film.
Ram Charan Teja and Priyanka play the lead roles in the new movie.
Friday, March 22, 2013 15:20 IST