Producer Anil Kapoor and director Abhinay Deo have been conducting workshops for the cast of their TV show 24 before shooting
Producer-actor Anil Kapoor and director Abhinay Deo are walking the extra mile to make sure all goes well during the shooting of their
television show 24 -- the Indian adaptation of the award-wining American television series.
The duo, who handpicked the cast for the show, have been holding workshops for the cast. This exercise is part of the rigorous training the
actors and the crew have been undergoing for their roles in the show and also to make them comfortable with each other.
Says a unit source, `Most of the actors were excited yet nervous when they heard about these special workshops prior to the shoot. But they
later realised it was more of an ice-breaking activity. It enabled the cast and crew to get along well way before we started shooting together.`
Adds the source, `Usually some filmmakers have full rehearsals prior to the shoot. But on the small screen it is not common. It was Anil's idea
to conduct such workshops.`
Deo reveals, `These workshops work as an ice-breaker and were part of the role play of the actors. These guys have to work together for a long
time and it always works when the actors are comfortable with each other -- it shows on screen. The workshop process was in-depth and
The show slated to air on Colors in mid-2013 has Kapoor play a role inspired by Jack Bauer, which was originally played by American actor
Kiefer Sutherland.
Monday, March 25, 2013 14:01 IST