Actor Aamir Khan surprises his fans again, this time in a pink salwar kameez, full make-up, a bra and a wig, for a Tata Sky commercial.
The perfectionist Khan, was first seen in drag in a cabaret song in his 1995 movie Baazi, 'Dole Dole Dil Dole', where he shocked the audience
in his high heels, a feathered boa and a slinky black dress.
For the item song in Baazi he had reportedly sat in make-up for hours which included getting waxed.
This time however he takes it easy and the make-up takes only two hours and the wax was replaced with a razor.
According to reports, Khan is going to play himself in the commercial, and during a research on the role of women he dresses up as one to
visit his neighbour.
He has earlier played woman for two ads in 2005 and 2008.
Needless to say all eyes will be on him to see if he trumps Ritesh Deshmukh as Bollywood's best drag queen.
Monday, March 25, 2013 14:06 IST