Pooja Chopra, former Miss India-World and Miss World 2009 semifinalist, will be making her Bollywood debut with Vipul Shah's 'Commando', opposite Vidyut Jammwal. What one may not know about the young
model-turned-actress is that she is injury-prone!
One week prior to the Miss World final in December 2009, Pooja sprained her left ankle while running down a flight of stairs. The doctors advised her complete bed-rest for 3 weeks, virtually ending her chances of
winning the title.
While shooting for 'Commando', which is a high-octane action thriller, Pooja had to perform her share of action scenes.
Talking about performing the stunt scenes in the film, Pooja says, "I have a dive in the film, which was about 40 feet. It wasn't very easy knowing that you have to jump into a river from 40 feet. Yet, it gave me a good
adrenaline rush. So, I enjoyed it. "
However, she ended up getting injured while shooting for the film as well. Pooja adds, "All Vidyut and I have done through most of the film is running through uneven surfaces. I must have fallen over 30 times, injured my
left ankle again a couple of times.
I had the ankle band on for a few days, but that did not deter me. I took it up as a challenge. Since this ankle did not let me perform during Miss World, I didn't want to give
up so easily this time. I used to get up again, dust my clothes and get on with it. "
'Commando', directed by Dilip Ghosh, releases on April 12, 2013.
Thursday, March 28, 2013 15:05 IST