Bollywood veteran actor Dharmendra along with his sons Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol visited Kolkata to unveil the trailer for their latest home
production Yamla Pagla Deewana 2.
The star cast of the film launched the trailer of the film and spoke to the media and fans at PVR cinemas at Avani Mall in Kolkata.
Dharmendra said, `This film has a different flavour of entertainment which he believes that audience will enjoy. Some sumos have been taken
from Japan and a chimpanzee has also been hired and he was specially trained for this film. This is a clear comedy thriller film is expected to
touch the heart of both old and kids. `
`The Govt of London was very much careful about us and the people were also very helpful so though it was very cold out there but it became
easy to shoot because of the humbleness of the people, ` he added.
Speaking on missing action sequences in recent film Sunny said, `The films like Ghayal, Damini though contains action but there was some
emotions, a particular story behind it that's why you loved the film and still talk about those films, unfortunately we do not have those kind of
directors still with us. `
`Indian cinema is the reflection of this country so whatever is being happening is reflected through cinema and if I get a chance to act on a
good story written by contemporary writers, I would definitely love to do that, " he said.
Director Sangeeth Sivan, along with the two female leads Kristina Akheeva and Neha Sharma, was also present at the promotional event.
Monday, April 01, 2013 13:19 IST