Embellished with Rs 4.5 crore worth jewellery, actress Mallika Sherawat is all set to dazzle at the Cannes film festival as the 'Exotic Princess from India'
"I will be in Cannes to promote the Jackie Chan flick The Myth, where I enact the role of a princess from India who is rescued and later turns into Chan's love interest," said
"From Haryana to Cannes it has been a wonderful journey. I am very excited and nervous. There are nine sets that have been chosen from the ORRA eternity collection which was specially designed for this occasion. The pieces are
designed in keeping with the clothes I will be wearing. There are heavy diamond studded necklaces, bracelets and earring, with precious stones like rubies, emeralds and
pearls" tells Mallika.
"I had never dreamt of being at Cannes. In fact, when Jackie Chan told me that I had the potential to act in an international project, I found it difficult to believe", she
"But Jackie Chan has put his money where his mouth is and now I am confident that I have it in me. Jackie does not need to promote himself, he is a known figure but I feel
so elated that he is doing it for me," she said.
On the image that she would be portraying, she said "my main focus would be promoting the film and hence I will try to portray the look of an Indian princess."
"The image is going to be classy, elegant, Indian, and yes of course very sexy. The West is an open society. I will present myself as the desi exotica," she said adding the
packaging there would be different from the one she presents at home.
"Here people love french fries and hamburgers and I give them that, there they love the dosa-sambar and I will give them that", she said refusing to elaborate. "If I am going to
compete with a French chef, it is no use trying to compete with cheese and wine, I will rather present the tandoor from Haryana," Sherawat said candidly.
The actress said she was open to more offers for international projects and added that she was comfortable kissing on screen if the script demanded.
'''I am looking forward to meeting all leading actors at the red carpet and striking a rapport from them. I am not a hypocrat. I have done intimate scenes in my films and I was
comfortable doing it because the script demanded so,'' asserts Mallika, who starred in last year's most successful film 'Murder'.
Thursday, May 12, 2005 16:22 IST