Actor Aditya Roy Kapoor, who plays the lead in "Aashiqui 2", is said to have performed several risky stunts, including shooting while standing on the railing of a 21st floor balcony, minus a safety harness.
While shooting in Cape Town, a rain sequence required the actor to sit shirtless at the edge of a railing on the topmost floor of a building. "Even when the makers suggested using a stunt double, Aditya refused and
said he was keen to shoot for it himself, " said a source.
All praise for the actor, co-producer Bhushan Kumar of T-Series said: "Aditya is very aggressive at his craft and wanted to prove that he could do it. I'm happy to say he pulled it off successfully."
Directed by Mohit Suri, "Aashiqui 2", releasing April 26, also features Shraddha Kapoor as the female lead. It is co-produced by T-Series and Vishesh Films.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013 12:17 IST