Veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra, who will be next seen with his two sons in 'Yamla Pagla Deewana 2', says Deols don't like
to blow their trumpet and are ignorant about the tricks of the trade
Today when actors like to remain in limelight all the time, the Deols like to keep their personal life guarded.
"We do not blow our own trumpets. . . We run 100 miles away from all this. Deols are shy. There is nothing like show business but
these days it is a show-off business, " Dharmendra said.
The 77-year-old feels that they have done versatile cinema but never knew how to push themselves into a different bracket. "We
(Deols) don't know the tricks of the trade. Money isn't everything.
We make films for audiences and I feel that my people are mine. That is the strength that keeps us going, he said. Dharmendra
will be teaming up with his two sons Sunny and Bobby - in 'Yamla Pagla Deewana 2', a sequel to the 2011 hit of the same name.
"I remember seeing 'Awaara' (1951) and I loved that Prithviraj and Raj Kapoor played father-son in it. I dreamt one day I would work
with my sons in a movie. That time I wasn't even married but god heard me, " he said. The film releases on June 7.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:08 IST