The gorgeous model/vj/actress Pooja Misrra was recently seen flaunting her sexy figure in a monochrome snug dress, as a Chief Guest at Pune Central's 8th birthday anniversary. The anniversary celebrations kicked
off with a fashion show stylishly choreographed by Chaitanya Gokhle wherein at the end the models pulled Pooja on stage to do a fun dance gig.
Pooja then gave away prizes to a couple of contest winners. Later Pooja graciously cut the birthday cake with the management of Pune Central.
The hot and happening Pooja said "I always shop at Pune
Central, it is a one stop shop for all your needs be it clothes, accessories, shoes or household goods. It was a pleasure being the Chief Guest at their 8th anniversary celebrations, as I represent the quintessential
woman of today that malls like Pune Central cater to!"
Pooja is on a roll as far as signing Bollywood films are concerned. She has 3 releases this year starting with 'The City That Never Sleeps'.
She also has 'Hum Baaja Baja Denge' directed by Chandra 'Don'
Barot and she recently signed the dotted line for 'All Out' where she stars opposite 3 boys in the main lead.
Monday, April 22, 2013 14:11 IST