Actress Juhi Chawla, who will be seen in a negative role in "Gulaab Gang", says the film "may be sort of" inspired by Sampat Pal
Devi, the founder of Gulabi Gang in Uttar Pradesh
"It is not someone's story. . . may be sort of inspired by Sampat Pal Devi's story. The film is a dramatic version of all this that is
happening, " Juhi said here Friday on the sidelines of inauguration of the fertility clinic Genome.
The Gulabi Gang was formed in 2006 by Devi, a mother of five and former government health worker (as well as a former child
bride), as a response to widespread domestic abuse and other violence against women.
'Gulabis' or the group members as they are called, visit abusive husbands and beat them up with laathis (bamboo sticks) unless
they stop abusing their wives. They wear pink.
The film "Gulaab Gang", directed by debutant Soumik Sen and produced by Anubhav Sinha, stars Madhuri Dixit and Juhi Chawla
in key roles.
"It is about whatever has been happening on women. . . those stories are taken and this movie is made. I am in a negative
character, " said Chawla.
The mother of two says her current priorities are "family, home and my work".
Monday, April 29, 2013 11:17 IST