Telugu actor Ram Charan Sunday allegedly got manhandled two people for not making way for him at a traffic signal here. A
case has been registered against the actor at the Banjara Hills police station.
"Ram Charan was returning after shopping from Banjara Hills when the incident took place near Taj Krishna traffic signal. When a
Maruti Alto car driven by Phanish, who was accompanied by Kalyan, didn't make way for Ram to take a free left, the actor lost
his temper," Circle Inspector Murali of Banjara Hills police station told reporters.
"After yelling at Phanish and Kalyan, Ram made his way through the traffic and parked his car in front of their car. He then called
for his entourage and six men arrived on the scene to beat up Kalyan and Phanish," he added.
Police have taken the statement of the victims.
Son of popular Telugu actor and union Tourism Minister Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan has worked in Telugu films such as "Chirutha",
"Magadheera" and "Naayak".
He is soon to be seen in his Hindi debut "Zanjeer", remake of Hindi cult classic of the same name.
Monday, May 06, 2013 13:22 IST