The cast and crew of "Ghanchakkar" has managed to get a break from working on the movie thanks to sync sound. They didn't have to dub for it.
" (Director) Rajkumar Gupta is indeed on vacation. He is in Italy. . . Emraan (Hashmi) has left for a vacation with his family and Vidya (Balan) is in Cannes for official work, post which she also has a vacation, " said a
source close to the movie.
"Thanks to sync sound, the film does not need actors to dub for the film. Almost everything has been locked. It is great that the entire team is taking a break before they start the promotion of 'Ghanchakkar', " the
source added.
"Ghanchakkar", releasing June 28, is said to be a quirky comedy surrounding a marriage between a Maharashtrian man and a loud Punjabi housewife.
Friday, May 17, 2013 15:04 IST