TV actor Ravi Dubey will be seen hosting "India's Dancing Superstar" with his "Saas Bina Sasural" co-actor Aishwarya Sakhuja. He says the audience will see a very easy going chemistry between them.
Ravi is trying his hands at anchoring for the first time, and he said he is "extremely good friends" with Aishwarya.
"The audience will get to see a very easy going chemistry between me and Aishwarya. Even I am looking forward to host the show with her. It's going to be interesting," Ravi told.
Ravi, who is replacing Mohit Malhotra as the show's host, believes Aishwarya's presence "will make it easier" for him to present the show. Ravi is currently dating actress Sargun Mehta.
Saturday, May 25, 2013 09:29 IST