Even the film's publicity material is under fire from Mumbai Police, which has decided to clamp down on vulgar film publicity posters. The Publicity Screening Committee of Association of Motion Pictures and TV Programme Producers (AMPTPP) has taken a tough stand against passing publicity materials of the film.
What the Association is objecting to is a 'crucial' scene according to Mishra, which finds itself in the publicity package. The poster has a topless actress holding burgers to camouflage her breasts. Mishra has decided to appeal against the Association.
Director Chander Mishra is obviously crying foul.
According to him: "The posters are artistic and clean. They have an element of fun and sensitivity. Even Mahesh Bhatt's films are vulgar, but no one objects to them. I am being targeted since I'm a newcomer."
However TV actor Arjun Punj who's playing the male lead in the film is also not happy with the way his role has turned out.
"Going by the initial brief given to me by the director, it was supposed to be a youthful sex-comedy with its share of music and romance," he argues. "Honestly speaking, from what I have shot in Time Pass I figured that it pales in comparison to overtly sex-laden flicks like Murder, Sheesha and Tezaab."
According to some reports Punj even refused to do a smooch scene with the heroine (Mona Chopra) which he considered was obscene.
"I didn't want to do a particular kissing scene because it was not there in the script and it would have looked contrived. Since I was not convinced about it, I backed out of the hot shot," he says.
The film is ultimately given the nod by the Delhi Tribunal with an ‘A' certificate and some deletions.
By: Somesh Vasishth