Veteran actor Kamal Haasan, who has experimented with his looks in films like "Chachi 420" and "Hey Ram", gave his inputs on his daughter Shruti's look for "D-Day", in which she sports a distinct scar.
In "D-Day", directed by Nikhil Advani, Shruti plays Suraiya, a prostitute.
As part of the character's look, Shruti required to have a scar on her face, and her father is said to have helped her get it right.
`The story of the scar dates back to Suraiya's past, when she entered the world of sex trade at 16. She was given this scar when her face was cut open by a pimp," said a source close to the film.
Shruti's father gave his inputs on the look of the scar. The father-daughter duo was very involved in developing her look, including deciding the right colour of the scar, its depth, how it would look as it ages et al.
The scar, as seen in the recently launched trailer of the movie, looks as good as real.
"D-Day" also features actors like Rishi Kapoor, Arjun Rampal, Irrfan, Aakash Dahiya, Huma Qureshi, Chandan Roy Sanyal and Sree Swara Dubey.
Co-produced by DAR Motion Pictures and EMMAY Entertainment Pvt. Ltd, the movie is slated to release July 19.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 16:46 IST