The Indian Medical Association (IMA) Wednesday slammed Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan over reports that he and his wife
were planning to have a baby boy through surrogacy.
"IMA strongly opposes any attempt or activity for pre-natal determination of sex of foetus, " the association said.
"We strongly feel that public figures like Shahrukh Khan, who are role models for the youth, should set a precedent by their good
acts and refrain from such illegal activities, " it said.
"A proper investigation should be done in this regard. Suitable legal action should be initiated not only on the guilty medical
professional, but also the public who approach the doctor for carrying out such a determination, " they said.
According to reports, Khan and his wife, who already have a son and daughter, were planning to have a baby boy through
Pre-natal sex determination is illegal in India. A provision for legal action and penalties exist in the PC-PNDT act both for the
medical professional involved and public who request such an action.
Thursday, June 20, 2013 14:17 IST