Akshay Kumar, who already has two films in Rs 100 crore bracket, hopes his upcoming film "Once Upon A Time in Mumbai
Dobara" will repeat the feat
Milan Luthria-directed "Once Upon A Time in Mumbai Dobara" is releasing on August 15. "I am happy that I am getting good
offers, opportunity to work with good directors. I feel lucky, I thank god. I hope this film achieves 100 crore," Akshay said at a
promotional event of the film here.
He plays the bad guy in the film. "I enjoyed playing the bad guy, it was fun. Long back I had played bad guy in 'Ajnabe'. I would
love to play bad guy again... it gives a high," he said. Two of Akshay's films -- "Rowdy Rathore" and "Houseful 2" -- were in the Rs
100 crore bracket.
Thursday, July 04, 2013 14:21 IST