Bollywood actress Neetu Chandra is on a high ever since she joined the cast of Greek film "Home Sweet Home" and says the
project helped her rediscover herself.
Seen in Hindi films like "Traffic Signal" and "Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!", Neetu said: "I am excited about my Greek project. I have
rediscovered myself with the film."
"When I signed the film, people said they were looking for this kind (her kind) of Indian beauty, which is a huge compliment for
me. I have got to know now that I look the best in Indian attire."
Recently she finished shooting for the film, but refused to divulge more about her international project.
"I am not allowed to talk about the project, but it's a beautiful film and I have finished shooting for it," she said.
Thursday, July 04, 2013 14:53 IST