Like many in Bollywood, Javed Jaffrey too is gaga over Ranbir Kapoor. He tells CS, "Ranbir is a great actor to work with.
I am a huge fan of his dad, Rishiji (Rishi Kapoor), but when I started working with Ranbir, I realised that he's a very dedicated actor.
Whenever he works in a film, he gives it his 100 per cent. He isa good observer; he remembers each and every detail related to shooting. He contributes with his inputs and never interferes in the making of a film. One
day he will become a good director.`
It looks like Ranbir's list of admirers is growing by the day. And it's not limited only to the fairer sex in Bollywood!
Thursday, July 11, 2013 12:28 IST