Upcoming Brit-Bollywood actress Feryna Wazheir shone out at the red carpet gala opening of the London Indian Film Festival (LIFF) Thursday night.
Wazheir, who is the Brand Ambassador for Europe's most successful film festival celebrating Independent Indian cinema, looked stunning in a beautiful couture gown by designer Mohsin Ali at O'NITAA, as she stood
alongside guest of honour Irrfan Khan.
Wazheir, who has just signed a two-film deal with iRock, said she is a great supporter of Independent cinema.
`LIFF is a fantastic showcase for the wealth of talent that often goes unnoticed and unrecognised, certainly in the west where they may not even get screened. The fact that the festival attracts the support of respected
legends like Irrfan Khan is testament to its growing appeal and success,` she said.
Other guests on the red carpet were actress Preeya Kalidass, Rez Kemption, Martin Delaney Laura Aikman, Goldy Notay, Manrina Rekhi and Sam Vincenti from the forthcoming film Amar, Akbar & Tony, music
legends Rishi Rich, Juggy Dee and Don Dee, radio presenters Sunny & Shay Grewal and Raj & Pablo as well as leading directors Menhaj Huda, Atif Ghani and Amit Kumar, whose film Monsoon Shootout was selected
as the Opening Night film.
Saturday, July 20, 2013 09:02 IST