The popular drama series "Buniyaad" that aired on Doordarshan 27 years ago is all set to be aired for the sixth time. Filmmaker
Ramesh Sippy is happy about this and hopes it will be equally liked by today's generation.
Sippy co-directed the series with Jyoti Sarup.
"I hope that this serial will be liked by today's youngesters as much as it was liked by the younger generation of that time," Sippy
said here at the re-launch party of the show.
"If they don't like it, then no matter as the audience is so diverse today..besides there are audiences who saw it 27 years before, so
it will be a nostalgia for them, and they would definitley want to watch it," he added.
The entire cast of the show was present at the re-launch party.
Actor Alok Nath, who played freedom fighter Master Haveliram, is happy about the re-launch.
"This serial was made with so much love during that time. If I say at that time we were like learning kids, it won't be wrong.
'Buniyaad' has really been a buniyaad in our life," Alok Nath said.
"That serial made us so strong that today we are so strong, determined and are doing good work today," he added.
"Buniyaad" will go on-air on Doordarshan from July 25 onwards. The series was written by Manohar Shyam Joshi and dealt with the
partition of India in 1947 and its aftermath. It was first aired in 1986 on Doordarshan and since then has been re-aired a number of
times on other channels.
Monday, July 22, 2013 14:08 IST