Bollywood has been charmed by Aishwarya Rai Bachan light eyes, Katrina Kaif cute smile, Kareena Kapoor flawless complexion,
Bipasha Basu sex appeal and Deepika Padukone long legs. These Bollywood stars won billions of hearts all over the globe.
And now comes the new blue eyed beauty Elena who will act and romance in Pooja Bhatt next movie `Bad`, directed by Prawal
Raman. Elena has all of these legendary beauties qualities in one: gorgeous blue eyes, sweet smile and flawless white complexion.
She has the killer looks and flamboyant body but it is her lovely smile that wins your heart.
Elena said, `I believe in hard work and positive attitude. Every Bollywood actress has her unique charm and I have mine. Pooja
Bhatt made fantastic effort to make me feel comfortable. I was given lots of respect and love. Pooja Bhatt is very beautiful, intelligent
and warm.
Monday, July 29, 2013 13:37 IST