Southern actor Ram Charan Teja, who is all set for his Bollywood debut with 'Zanjeer' remake, has left no stone unturned to sculpt
his physique for the launch under the guidance of a top fitness trainer from Australia
It is learnt that Ram had specially flown one of Australia's top fitness trainers to India to obtain a rugged physique for Apoorva
Lakhia's 'Zanjeer'.
Teja will essay the role of a police officer, enacted by megastar Amitabh Bachchan in the original version. "Ram Charan had specially
flown down one of the numero uno trainers from Australia and worked out for almost three to four hours, day and night with him for his
action scenes in 'Zanjeer', " a source said.
The actor made sure that his workouts did not interfere with the shoots and other commitments, the source added. Releasing on
September 6, 'Zanjeer' also stars Priyanka Chopra, Sanjay Dutt, Prakash Raj and Mahie Gill.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013 12:25 IST