Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor Monday unveiled the trailer of Hrithik Roshan starrer "Krrish 3". The "Mr. India" star was so fascinated with the clipping, which was no less than any Hollywood superhero film, that he
wanted to see it again.
Commenting on the trailer, the 56-year-old said: "I am speechless. . . I don't know what to say. Let's see it again. "
"It is such a special moment for me. . . thank you for giving me this honour and making me feel special and part of the clan, " he said at the launch held here.
The film's producer-director Rakesh Roshan and the cast, including Hrithik, Kangna Ranaut and Vivek Oberoi were present there.
Hrithik's sister Sunaina and his uncle and composer Rajesh Roshan too came for the unveiling.
"It is said that the first look of a film decides its fate. I hope you liked it. I will also like to thank Anil, he gave us so much respect and came on such a short notice. The gesture will remain in my heart, " said an
overwhelmed Rakesh Roshan.
Hrithik feels viewers' appreciation is the ultimate compliment.
"Everyone works hard, but the result is important. We can go on saying that we have worked hard, but if there is no result, then there is no use. I hope you have liked the promo, " he said.
"Krrish 3", which will take forward the story of the superhero, played by Hrithik, in "Koi. . . Mil Gaya" and "Krrish", is set for a Nov 4 release.
Tuesday, August 06, 2013 13:16 IST