Bollywood director-producer Rakesh Roshan, who is ready to present his next superhero film "Krrish 3" in November, says there are two superheroes in his home: star son Hrithik, who has just recovered from brain
surgery, and daughter Sunaina, who has battled cancer.
"I have two superheroes in my family. My daughter has fought cancer and my son has had the surgery. I am so proud of them, " Rakesh Roshan told reporters Monday at the launch of the "Krrish 3" trailer here.
Produced and directed by Rakesh Roshan, "Krrish 3" stars Hrithik in the title role. Also featuring Priyanka Chopra, Kangna Ranaut, and Vivek Oberoi, it is set to rock the box office at Diwali.
Tuesday, August 06, 2013 13:17 IST