Southern actress Trisha Krishnan, a long-time People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India supporter, has written to Chennai Mayor Saidai Duraisamy asking him to scrap plans to roundup 30, 000 dogs
and confine them to pounds.
"I respectfully urge you to scrap the plan to round up as many as 30, 000 dogs from the streets and imprison them in 15 new pounds in Chennai. Warehousing dogs, even if they are sick or old, for the rest of their lives
is extremely cruel, " said Trisha in her letter to the mayor.
"Chennai has used dog pounds in the past, and this approach failed to control either the dog population or rabies. Removing dogs from the streets leaves their territories vacant, which results in an influx of other dogs
from neighbouring areas, " she added.
Trisha also requested for a humanitarian way of handling this issue.
"Locking up dogs like prisoners will never end Chennai's animal overpopulation problem. I respectfully urge you to solve the problem the smart and humane way by stopping it at its source. Please focus Chennai's
efforts on an aggressive animal birth control and anti-rabies programme, " wrote Trisha.
Known for southern films such as "Ghilli", "Krishna" and "Samar", Trisha is currently busy shooting for Tamil action-drama "Boologam" and Telugu comedy "RUM".
Thursday, August 08, 2013 13:22 IST