Also spotted at the bash were Sunaina Roshan, casting director Shanoo Sharma, Rajev Paul, Vivek Mushran and Nandish Sandhu. Hrithik also cut a celebration cake with his sister.
Monday, August 12, 2013 14:19 IST
Hrithik Roshan couldn't stop himself from singing one of his favourite songs Kabhie Kabhie at an Eid bash hosted by actress Sara Khan and her husband Arfeen Khan, a motivational speaker whose clients include
Also spotted at the bash were Sunaina Roshan, casting director Shanoo Sharma, Rajev Paul, Vivek Mushran and Nandish Sandhu. Hrithik also cut a celebration cake with his sister.
Also spotted at the bash were Sunaina Roshan, casting director Shanoo Sharma, Rajev Paul, Vivek Mushran and Nandish Sandhu. Hrithik also cut a celebration cake with his sister.