Twenty-seven-year-old Saahil Shroff, who is being paired opposite one of the two characters played by Ameesha Patel in Desi Magic, may not have been a part of the first schedule of the film but that hasn't left him
going unnoticed on the sets
The model-turned-actor has left no stone unturned to make his presence felt. Sources from the unit say that when the actress returned to her room after giving her first shot, she was in for a sweet surprise on finding a
beautiful bouquet of pink flowers and a pink soft toy.
Ameesha was overjoyed at the thoughtful gesture, as pink also happens to be her favourite colour.
Insiders say Saahil, who knew about Ameesha's choice of hue, thought what better way to spoil his co-star and congratulate her by making her feel extra special.
The actors share a great bond and insiders
feel their growing friendship will only add to the chemistry between their two characters that will reflect on the screen. Desi Magic is produced by Ameesha Patel Productions. It is set to release on February 28, 2014.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013 15:05 IST