The first look of the Vikram Bhatt's upcoming Horror Story that has been released of late perfectly reflects theme of horror. The film is directed by Ayush Raina, who has previously directed Bombay High (one of the short films in Mumbai Cutting).
The Story revolves around seven youngsters who challenge each other to spend the night at the infamous hotel in the heart of the city. Little did they know that this will turn out to be the most scary night of their life or let's say the last night of their life.
Television actor Karan Kundra is making his Bollywood debut with this film, the film also stars fresh faces like Ravish Desai, Hasan Zaidi, Nishant Malkani, Sheetal Singh, Aparna Bajpai, Radhika Menon and Nandini Vaid.
For Horror Story, Vikram Bhatt is planning to release the film on an unique date of 13th of September 2013.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 11:21 IST