The pretty lady is not planning to take any short cuts for success and willing to slog instead in order to make it big in the tinsletown.
"I am not too big a fan of onscreen intimacy. It isn't like I look down upon people who engage in it. Just that I am personally uneasy doing it. But I also feel that a huge chunk of exposure and intimacy is shown just for the heck of it," she points out.
But isn't she afraid of losing out to the starlets who indulge in kissing at the drop of hat?
"If the script is that enticing and the filmmaker does a great job of convincing me into it, then I might just give it a shot but definitely not for the heck of it. I think of Kiss as an extremely private gesture and I did like to reserve it for my bedroom," adds Ayesha with a wink.
By: Somesh