Sandeep Sawant, the director of Marathi film "Shwaas", will now direct a Hindi film for a reputed television production house, Three 'S' Creations, headed by Govind Ubhey.
Producer Arun Nalawde and Sawant had earlier revealed that they would be working together again on a Hindi film after "Shwaas", once they had finished with the Oscar
viewing of the film but differences of opinion over the new project apparently led to a rift between the two.
However, Sawant is tight-lipped about his decision. "I never had a long-term understanding with the 'Shwaas' producer. No doubt I was also a working partner in the film but
we saw no reason to continue the arrangement once the film got over. I decided to accept the offer made by Three 'S' Creations because I saw that it was more committed to
filmmaking. A good film basically needs a good production house, which should not value commercial interests over the creative interests of the film," Sawant revealed.
Meanwhile, Arun Nalawde has decided to take up the directorial reins for the next film of his banner.
Monday, June 20, 2005 13:38 IST