Bollywood action star Akshay Kumar's next movie Boss' trailer will be released on Tuesday.
"The teaser has already started making waves online and everyone is going gaga over what they have witnessed in the teaser which was released last week," said an official spokesperson.
"Industry insiders have already started calling the movie a sure shot blockbuster, because of the ultimate combination of action, comedy, and the music that the movie promises with the trailer," he said.
The movie has 2-3 chart-buster songs composed by various music directors and one party song sung by YoYo Honey Singh.
While the speculations are on the rise, Viacom18 Motion Pictures, the makers of the film, are not ready to divulge any more details about the trailer launch event.
Boss is scheduled to release on Oct 16.
Monday, August 26, 2013 14:07 IST