Telugu actor Akkineni Nagarjuna, who turns 54 Thursday, will spend his birthday cheering for his Mumbai Masters team that has
entered the semifinals of the Indian Badminton League (IBL).
Nagarjuna co-owns Mumbai Masters with former Indian cricketer Sunil Gavaskar and businessman V. Chamundeshwarnath.
"I will be supporting my team in the semifinals in Bangalore on my birthday (Thursday). My family will also be there with me and since
it's been a long time since I celebrated birthday with my family, I'm looking forward to spend time with them, " Nagarjuna told.
Nagarjuna, who also co-owns a racing team called Mahi Racing, is delighted that his teams are doing extremely well.
"Our racing team is leading in the racing league which is coming to an end, while our Badminton team has secured a place in the
semi-finals. I'm extremely happy that both teams are performing really well. I wish our winning streak continues, " he added.
The 53-year old is currently awaiting the release of Telugu action-drama "Bhai", which is slated to release in September.
Thursday, August 29, 2013 13:13 IST