Director Prakash Jha Wednesday said his "Satyagraha" will hit the screens without any cuts as the censor board did not cut or ban
any scene from the political thriller.
"They (censor board) said that you have made the film in a very sensitive way and there are parts we cannot cut. So, the film came
out the same way we presented it, " Jha told reporters here.
The 61-year-old also said that he doesn't want to define his films, saying: "I just try and make films and leave the definition to the
audience. "
Based on Gandhian principles and his (Mahatma Gandhi) ideology of non-violence, the film is about a father and his son, and Jha
added that "he has tried to put his point in the content".
Talking about the song "Ragupati Raghav Raja Ram" in the film, which will be featured on Amitabh Bachchan, the National Award-
winning director said the song suited the film well as it is Mahatma Gandhi's prayer, but they added some more expressions to it.
"We added new expression to the song because it suited today's generation. The song means that we won't bear any more and we
will not sit quiet. We will fight for our rights and justice, " he said.
"Satyagraha", slated to release Friday, reflects the uprising of the middle-class against a corrupt and unjust system. The film has an
impressive star cast including Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor, Arjun Rampal, Manoj Bajpayee and Amrita Rao.
Thursday, August 29, 2013 13:14 IST