Filmmaker Amol Gupte has started shooting his next film "Hawaa Hawaai" with his son Partho Gupte and Saqib Saleem and it will be
a commercial film.
A source close to the film said: "Unlike Amol's previous film 'Stanley Ka Dabba', his 'Hawaa Hawaai' will be a commercial and
entertaining film. The shooting has begun and it will be widely shot in various parts of Mumbai. "
Partho debuted with "Stanley Ka Dabba" and won the National Film Award for Best Child Artist.
"Mere Dad Ki Maruti" fame Saqib will be seen in a "prominent role" in the movie.
"Many seniors were considered for the role, but Amol believed that Saqib has the potential to pull off the role. Amol wanted a young
guy with a lot of freshness, " said the source.
"Hawaa Hawaai" is likely to come out April 18, next year.
Thursday, August 29, 2013 13:14 IST