Recently when Priyanka Chopra was on the sets of a comedy show, she was approached with a regular request -- to meet one of her fans from the audience
But when the elderly man presented his gift to the actress, she burst out in tears.
Says a unit hand, `The guest sat through the show and requested crew members to allow him to meet Priyanka. Initially it looked doubtful since we had a tight schedule. But he patiently waited for her. `
Finally after the gift was unwrapped, out came a large portrait of father and daughter together.
`PC was very close to her dad, late Dr Ashok Chopra. She still occasionally takes to the social networking sites to express how much she is missing him. Priyanka was touched by her fan's gesture.
could not hold back her tears and was speechless for a few moments. After she regained her composure, PC couldn't thank him enough, ` adds the source.
Thursday, August 29, 2013 14:36 IST