The Punjab and Haryana High Court, which had stayed the release of Bollywood movie Grand Masti in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh has now lifted the stay order and the movie is ready to release across India.
But now Awami Vikas Party has come forward and issued a Ban on Grand Masti quoting it to be a Vulgar Film. Party president Shamsher Khan Pathan informed on his Facebook account
"Yesterday Awami Vikas Party agitated against the screening of vulgar film "Grand Masti" hundreds of Awami Vikas Party workers were detained at Girgaum Chowpatty (Mumbai) and were arrested and delegation of Awami Vikas Party met Chairman of Censor board and they assured of strong action. "
Shamsher Khan Pathan also cleared "This agitation was going on for 1 week. At the same time Chandigarh people also agitated and filed a written petition in high court. Taking into consideration the vulgarity of the film and people's agitation, High court granted stay on censor' s certificate for screening till 20. 9. 13. Matter will be heard on 20. 9. 13. hence proposed release of film on 13. 9. 13 is stayed. "
Friday, September 13, 2013 12:09 IST