While a majority of actors would give anything to work with Karan Johar the director, Karan the actor is a hot favourite with the directors he works with.
Take Sujoy Ghosh, the director of "Home Delivery ", in which Johar makes a guest appearance. Ever since Ghosh shot with Johar, he has been raving about the latter 's
acting acumen.
"He is a director 's actor with a great spontaneity, screen-presence and an excellent sense of timing. He 'll pose a tough challenge to other actors if he were to become a
full-time actor. I definitely recommend that he should take up acting full-time and leave the directorial scene to the rest of us, " smiled Ghosh.
Ghosh is also ready with the script of his next film, "Borivali ", starring Amitabh Bachchan. "It has been a subject that has been very close to my heart and I am looking
forward to working with Amitabh Bachchan in it."
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:57 IST