Hollywood film "Cowboys and Indians" will feature Bollywood diva Sridevi. It will be directed by 43 year old Amy Redford, daughter of Robert Redford, a renowned Hollywood actor and filmmaker. Sridevi will be pitched against Meryl Streep.
According to sources, Hollywood producers Jermy Wall and Jerry Leider are attempting to bring versatile acting talents from two different worlds together.
Sri Devi's manager, Punkej Kharbanda confirmed the news but did not divulge details.
Sri Devi has been the reigning queen of Hindi films in 1980s till 1990s. Her hit movies include Sadma, Chaalbaaz, Mr India and Chandni. After 15 years of break from the celluloid, Sridevi made a comeback last year with her English-Vinglish which, was very well received by the audience!
Monday, September 23, 2013 13:32 IST