In the wake of her ongoing personal crisis, Karisma Kapoor seems to be pursuing her film career with a vengeance. And her directors
have the faith in her that could take her to the enviable position she once commanded.
Suneel Darshan, the director of her forthcoming film "Mere Jeevan Saathi", feels that the film may well prove to be the perfect stepping
stone for Karisma to return to acting.
"She may have got a number of awards in her career but this film will prove to be the milestone in her career. Her performance in the
film is exemplary by all standards," says Darshan.
The film apparently has Karisma playing a role with shades of gray, but Darshan prefers not to categorise it as a negative
"Love can be very well obsessive but anyone who is fiercely in love can never harm the one he or she is in love with," he
Darshan adds that Karisma can have a great career ahead provided she takes her decisions intelligently and does not get bogged
down by the problems of her "grihasthi" (married life).
"Each of us goes through ups and downs in our life but we should never allow circumstances to overpower our will and determination.
Karisma is a sensitive and talented actress who has an enormous potential and scope if she decides to get back actively into films,"
Darshan says.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005 17:34 IST