The trailer of Divya Khosla's directorial debut "Yaariyan" will be launched with the release of Hrithik Roshan-starrer "Krrish 3".
Khosla is eager to see the audience's reaction to the promo.
"The first trailer of my film 'Yaariyan' is attached with 'Krrish 3'. This is my first film as a director and I am eagerly waiting to see the audience's response. We have shot the film in Mumbai, Kerala and Australia and it has been made on a tight budget," Khosla told IANS.
"It is a very youthful and commercial film," said Khosla, who is married to producer Bhushan Kumar.
The film stars Himansh Kohli and Rakul Preet Singh.
Monday, September 30, 2013 14:15 IST