Saif Ali Khan is a rugged character in Tigmanshu Dhulia's action drama titled Bullet Raja. The movie is set in Uttar Pradesh which requires a desi touch to the character. And Saif, had to up his body fitness ante. He became a regular member of a Lucknow gym. The actor took to working out before each shot and after it as well. Isn't it a bit of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? Pushups, weight lifting and jogging on the crowded roads during the breaks, became a usual practice.
Saif, when questioned by reporters said that Bullet Raja was a contemporary character and he faced tough situations for which he had to look tough and strong visually.
The film is slated to be released on November 29. It is based on fictional mafia. The film stars Sonakshi Sinha and Jimmy Shergill.
Wednesday, October 02, 2013 15:40 IST