Actress Mallika Sherawat, who will be seen looking for a soulmate on reality show "The Bachelorette India - Mere Khayalon Ki Mallika", was in a state of shock after a contestant carved her name with a knife on his wrist.
When the contestants were asked to woo her, 23-year-old Bikramjit Singh Kohli, one of the 30 contestants, offered his blood to the actress by carving her name on his wrist.
"Every contestant had to present one gift as a token of love to Mallika...While a lot of contestants offered a variety of gifts to Mallika, Bikramjit was one contestant who shocked Mallika out of her wits," a source said.
"He had carved Mallika's name on his wrist with a knife. The obsession did not go down well with her and she immediately decided to evict him," the source added.
The dating reality show, based on the international format of "The Bachelor", will start Oct 7 on Life OK.
Saturday, October 05, 2013 13:00 IST