After being a part of controversial reality show "Bigg Boss 6", models Vishal Karwal and Karishma Kotak have been approached to participate in celebrity dance reality show "Nach Baliye 6".
However, the couple is yet to confirm participation in the show which will go on air on Star Plus later this year.
"Vishal Karwal and Karishma Kotak have been approached for 'Nach Baliye'. They are in talks at the moment and hopefully, they will say 'yes'," a source from the show, told.
Other celebrities who will be seen on the show include Gurmeet Chaudhary with wife Debina Bannerjee, Kanika Maheshwari with businessman husband Ankur Ghai, Amrapali Gupta with actor husband Yash Sinha, Nakuul Mehta with wife Jankee, Ridhi Dogra with actor husband Raqesh Bapat and Ripudaman Handa with his girlfriend Shivangi.
Monday, October 14, 2013 11:41 IST