When the Rs 100 crore club at box office has become a new bench mark of success in Bollywood, Akhshay Kumar is not bothered. His masala movie 'Boss' is all set to hit the screens on Wednesday but the hero is unnerved. The actor says that he is not worried about the film making it to the exclusive Rs 100 crore club of Bollywood.
Admittedly, there is an increased pressure on superstars to deliver in view of the competition and 'Boss' is coming after the disappointing performance of Akshay's previous film 'Once Upon a Time In Mumbai Dobaara'.
"I am not worried about being in 100 crore club. My film 'Oh My God' topped about Rs 82-84 crore and was a success despite not being in the Rs 100 crore club because it was made only in Rs 12 crores.
"Returns were 300-400 per cent high on 'OMG' and it was a bigger hit than any other films of mine.'Boss' is made in about 50 crore. I am not worried if it is crossing 100 crore or not," Akshay told reporters while promoting the action-comedy here.
Akshay is playing a gangster in the film again after 'Once upon a Time in Mumbai Dobara' but any suggestion that he may be repeating himself, irritates him.
"I am not inclined towards such roles, they just happen. In 'Boss' my role is not of a gangster exactly, he is a good person, who does a lot of odd jobs for good cause. My role in 'Boss' and 'Once upon a Time in Mumbai Dobara' have different mindset," Akshay said.
In 'Boss', the 46-year-old actor portrays a kind Haryanavi gangster with veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty playing the role of his father. The film also stars Aditi Rao Hydari, Shiv Pandit and Ronit Roy.
For Akshay, the movie has the best action sequences.
"It is the best action movie as it has no computer graphic action. It is much raw, man to man, real action. Also, the climax is very different from the rest of the movies.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 12:12 IST