Mr Jashn Singh has won Mallika Sherawat's hand, in the ongoing reality show. `The Bachelorette India, Mere Khayalon Ki Mallika in which the actress is set out to find true love for marriage was smitten by the manner in which Jashn Singh, one of the 15 suitors, proposed to her.
During an impromptu act, contestants were asked to impress Mallika Sherawat and that's when Jashn Singh proposed her in a "filmy style" asking Mallika's hand.
She was not only impressed but went all gaga over the proposal and promptly accepted it much to everyone's surprise, a source said.
Recently, Mallika planted a kiss on model-actor Kiran Sagoo's cheek.
He is amongst the 15 suitors who are on the show to capture her attention, the source added.
This particular episode is likely to be aired on Tuesday on Life Ok Channel.
'The Bachelorette India -Mere Khayalon Ki Mallika' is a spin-off from the American competitive reality dating game show.
The series revolves around a single bachelorette and a pool of romantic interests, trying to impress her. The show is a journey to find true love for the actress on small screen.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 12:15 IST