Bollywood's 'khiladi' Akshay Kumar was scheduled to unveil the world's largest poster of his movie "Boss" in Mumbai Tuesday, but the event had to be postponed due to "logistical issues".
The new event schedule is likely to be announced soon, said a source.
The poster is 193 feet and one inch wide and 180 feet and two inch tall. It has entered the Guinness World Records for being the world's largest poster.
Akshay was to unveil the special poster at the Andheri Sports Complex in the presence of his fans.
Created by a group of Akshay's fans called Team Akshay, it was first unveiled at the Little Gransden Airfield, Britain, Oct 3. It took the team four months to prepare the poster.
"Boss", releasing Wednesday, is an action drama directed by Anthony D'Souza.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 13:48 IST