Bharti Singh had fun with the contestants on "The Bachelorette India - Mere Khayalon Ki Mallika" reality TV show where as many as 18 suitors are trying to woo actress Mallika Sherawat. The entertainment quotient doubled when Bharti asked them to lift her.
Only a few of the contestants could manage to lift Bharti Singh, who is certainly no lightweight.
But that was not enough to please Bharti, who then asked them to do full splits and quite a few disappointed her.
"It was fun to be on the sets of 'The Bachelorette India'. I had a fun time with Mallika, Rohit and all the young and handsome boys. I hope they will forgive me for all deeds there," Bharti said in a statement.
"The Bachelorette India - Mere Khayalon Ki Mallika" airs on Life Ok.
Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:33 IST