Actor Hrithik Roshan has given first priority to 'Bang Bang' instead of Karan Malhotra's 'Shuddhi' which comes up in December and was scheduled much before 'Bang Bang.'
Busy promoting his Krrish3, Hrithik Roshan, will soon join the cast and crew of Bang Bang for the third schedule of the film. Director Siddharth Anand confirmed that the next schedule will start in the last week of November.
"Yes, we will start shooting post November 20. All the portions of this schedule will be shot in Mumbai. Hrithik and Katrina Kaif will be a part of this shoot as well," stated Anand. Sources close to the project confirmed that the team is waiting for Hrithik Roshan to complete all promotions related to Krrish 3 and only then will he start working on Bang Bang.
Although Roshan also has the first schedule of Karan Malhotra's Shuddhi coming up in December, the source confirmed that the actor's first priority will be Bang Bang, as he had reserved dates for the latter and is committed to the same.
Monday, October 28, 2013 12:55 IST