Marathi actor Pushkar Jog is all set to make his Bollywood debut with "Huff -It's Too Much". Multi-faceted Pushkar, has not only acted in the movie, but also has directed and produced the film. The movie also marks the debut of Indo-Brit Actress Armeena Rana Khan.
Shot at interesting locations across UK, the movie showcases love in an all new avatar. For a specific sequence the White Cliff of Dover was zeroed in. This virgin location is situated at the London French Border. Being a cliff and with no proper roads, the entire star cast had to walk to the cliff and the facilities of vanity vans were not available.
Apart from the cold weather, the crew faced another difficulty, that being they had to shoot more than 3 sequences there and without vanity changing was difficult and they couldn't get down just to change. Talking about shooting there Pushkar Jog says, `I did not want my lead actress Armeena to face any embarrassment, so I told my crew members to form a human circle. That made it easy for her to change inside." Produced by Sandip Patel (Genlock films) and presented by Goosebumps Entertainment, `Huff -It's Too Much`, releases on 8th November.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013 11:40 IST